2018 was the last year for Imagine Enough for Everyone. The Urbandale Food Pantry is organizing this event under a new name, Make It Personal! Visit the UFP website for more details!

I enjoyed encouragement and support from many during the past ten years of leading this event, but especially from Eileen Boggess, former executive director of the UFP; the Urbandale Public Library staff and facility; and all of the volunteers who signed up and showed up, including my husband Matt who always helped at this event instead of enjoying his day off. And a big thanks to the Urbandale/Des Moines metro community that always rocked the donations despite the January weather! Over the past 10 years we have collected well over 13,000 items for the Urbandale Food Pantry, despite rain, snow, ice, dangerous windchills, and otherwise miserable winter weather (and a few nice days!). Thanks again, and please support the “new old” event in future years!

Thank you all! ~ Jane

2018 Imagine Enough for Everyone: Make It Personal! MLK Day of Service Event

The dangerous windchills lowered attendance for a second year in a row, but approximately 90 hardy people braved the weather and gave generously to the Urbandale Food Pantry. The final totals from the day were: 311 personal care items, 137 (mostly handmade) warm items, 431 food items, and $1,000 in monetary donations. In addition, the Library donated 139 dishes and 130 books.

Over these 10 years we have collected well over 13,000 items for the Urbandale Food Pantry, despite rain, snow, ice, windchills, and otherwise miserable winter weather (and a few nice days!).

Thanks to the knitters who knitted on site—few in number but great in talent and production—who still created a little community of creators. Thanks also to Sheila and Mary who once again created scarves and blankets out of fleece fabric (and Lois who helped!).

Thank you to the volunteers who braved the weather to help make this event a success. Matt, Andrea, Carol, Dorothy, Rebecca, Katie, Mary, Kathy, Diane, Connie, Fred, and Jordan & Grade A Gardens—we couldn’t make the event work without you!

Thanks to the Channel 5 News for coming to cover the event and including footage on the 6:00 news!

And as always, a big thank you to the Urbandale Public Library, especially Laura and Lynnae, for opening their meeting rooms for our event, helping with logistics as needed, donating items, sponsoring the Food for Fines program, and providing welcome hospitality. We love the Urbandale Public Library!